October 2 /10
Today is Live Strong Day and like many of you, I'm yellowing up my post in dedication of every person and animal who is waging a brave battle against cancer.
This is also in memory of those who fought the battle and lost, and to honour the survivors who are blessed and won.
This is also in memory of those who fought the battle and lost, and to honour the survivors who are blessed and won.

I hope that those who are in the fight find strength in their loved ones and in the simple pleasures of life. I hope they find comfort in the prayers and good wishes that come their way.
This post is also in appreciation of devoted Oncology caregivers who see to the needs of their patients, and of all the researchers who work tirelessly to find a cure for cancer. And special thanks to those who raise and donate money to fund this research.
Papa, this post is especially for you.
Please, friends, visit the official Live Strong site and support the fight against cancer.
Beautifully stated!
Our thoughts are with you and your family today Chef. Go give your papa a BIG kiss ok!
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
You put it so well..I could nevew have pawed it so eloquently.
Youw Papa is in ouw thoughts and we know he will win this battle wif youw help and youw Mom's and hooman bwuffews and all those who cawe(and thewe awe an awful lot wooting fow him!)
ouw love and smoochie kisses
Your dad is one who is fighting courageously and we are looking forward to him winning the battle.
Yes, Chef... well said. Love and kisses to your Papa. We're sending many prayers your way, as our household also knows the agonies of this dreadful disease.
Love and best wishes,
Nellie and Miss Barb
Hi, Chef...
Our thoughts & prayers are with your Dad & Mom & you every day...
And every day we pray that a cure is found...
God Bless all who have fought & are fighting today...Our hearts go out to all of you...
Much Love,
Abby & Her Mom xxxxxxoooooo
Great job Handsome!
I'm sure you are one of your papa's best khyss and kharegivers!
Maybe woo need to go give both of your pawrents some Chef love NOW!
What a wunderful post today Chef.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie MAe
Chef....we're hopin' that er Dad is doin' better....is comin' ta the end of his treatments and can say afterwards that he is cancer free.....paws are crossed all across the states and the world fer everyone affected by the big "C".....
Dewey Dewster here......
Thanks for your fantastic recognition of both humans and puppies who have waged the battle. I recently lost my boxer of 10 years to cancer/heart disease and the loss was devastating. Thanks for giving me a place to reminisce!
w00fs, me hopes ur daddy is feeling betters too..mayb soon they can get the meds where it wont make him so sick...and i loved ur LiveStrong post..
b safe,
pps, mama and ur daddy are survivors...
Hoping efurone wins their battle against that nasty disease!!
Happy Weekend!
The Fiesty Three
Hi there,
This is a question for the webmaster/admin here at boxerdogblog.blogspot.com.
Can I use some of the information from this blog post right above if I give a backlink back to this website?
Thanks for sharing the link, but argg it seems to be offline... Does anybody have a mirror or another source? Please reply to my message if you do!
I would appreciate if a staff member here at boxerdogblog.blogspot.com could repost it.
Thanks for sharing this link, but argg it seems to be down... Does anybody have a mirror or another source? Please answer to my post if you do!
I would appreciate if someone here at boxerdogblog.blogspot.com could post it.
Great post Chef mate.
How is your papa going with his treatment? We think of you guys often.
Noah willow Tess Lucy
Following up on Thomas's request: Looks like Livestrong is back up -- they may have just been server-bombed with traffic on the big day. Which is a bummer in one way, but on the other hand it's a measure of how much support and traffic they receive. And thanks, Chef, for helping to spread the word and raise awareness of the cause.
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dog beds and more
Chef we send lots of love to you, your mom and especially to your dad and wish him as much as we possibly can to recover his health.
Hi Chef...just stoppin' by ta say we were thinkin' about ya and hopin' that yer Dad is doin' well....we know that ya take really good care of 'em and we hope that yer whole family can enjoy a happy and Merry Christmas and a very Joyous New Year......
Dewey Dewster here....
Happy New Year Chef!
We wish you a lovely good year filled with good health and good laugh.
This is a good support post...Me and my dogs are also supporting this kind of program to help cancer...^_^
dog pens
Hi chef...don't worry every thing will be alright i m also praying for you like others...
Gee Chef....
Are ya all snowed in there???? We sure hope that ya all are well and that yer Dad is OK and feelin' better....give a little bark ta tell everyone how ya all are.......we've been worried sick about ya.....
Dewey Dewster here....
thanks for this nice post 111213
Touching post, Live Strong! Those boxers have such great form don't they! Hope all is well Chef! Scott @ K9 Master Class
Hey Chef! Just wanted to stop by and say MISSING YOU!
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