Let's Celebrate International Day of the Dog

March 15 /08

Did you know that Sunday, April 27th is the third annual International Day of the Dog?

This is an annual world-wide event held in reverance of all dogs everywhere. Jan Fennell, who organizes this holiday, is calling on dog owners all over the world to celebrate this special day by holding an event, a walk, a party or just spending time at the park with your dog.

You can read about IDOD at: www.internationaldayofthedog.org.uk.

I think it would be pretty cool for us bloggers to mark this event together. So I'm asking all you Mummies and Daddies who read this to spread the word to other bloggers and let's get everybody to post something on April 27th that celebrates our love of dogs. It could be short or long, creative or simple, a thought, an idea, a special picture, an experience, anything at all that you feel comfortable doing that conveys a message of affection and respect for a dog/your dog/all dogs...

Let me know if you have any other suggestions about how we can commemorate IDOD.


Dexter said...

I made Momma take the quiz and she's a Border Collie! Yikes!

BTW - I'm not ignoring your challenge to do something creative, but Momma is so lazy all she does is take care of me, go to work, and sit around in her recliner. Man, that doesn't sound like a Border Collie to me!


Moco said...

We believe that everyday is the day of the dog. Treats for everyone.

boxercab said...

I did not know about IDOD! I will make sure to celebrate it tomorrow on my blog! Thanks, Chef! I can't wait to see how you will celebrate it too!

Mack said...

Bully sticks should be handed out freely this day

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Mommy promises to pawticipate
Thanks fur the info


Lola Smiles said...

Oh you bet we'll be celebrating! Thanks for reminding me!

luv ya
Lola Smiles

Thor and Jack said...

Hi Chef! Thanks for remember us.


boxercab said...

Oops, I will celebrate it on April 27th! ;)