Meet my new friend Oreo

September 20 /09

I am so excited, everybody - I have a new friend! He's the cutest little Shitz-zu named Oreo.

And since his Mama, Barbra, is dating Mama's brother, Allan, I'm going to get to play with him a lot.

When we came face-to-face for the first time, Oreo barked at me something awful. But since he's just a squirt, I didn't bark back. I backed off and let him sniff me so he'd know that I want to be his friend. I had a flashback to the time a little Poodle barked at me like that at the dog park and he ended up hanging from my withers by his teeth, and I needed stitches. But Oreo calmed down and then we got along just fine. There is, however, a bit of a toy issue we have to work out.

Oreo (not to be mistaken for my cousin Oreo the Springer Spaniel) is a great little guy but he's got a thing about sharing. He even hid his ball under the sofa, knowing I'm too big to get to it. Then he hid his chewy in the basement. So after this initial play date, it's clear that a boatload of toys must be available whenever Oreo and I get together. I'll be sending Mama to the toy store to stock up. Good plan, eh? Heh.

So - TA DA - let me introduce you to my cute new friend OREO !!!

OK, so Oreo has a couple of um ... quirks. He wears a leash 24/7. He really does. He drags that worn-out thing behind him all day long and he sleeps with it on too. Apparently, his ahem.. trainer ... says he's a little too cocky when it comes to discipline, so Barbra has to keep a leash on him and step on it whenever he gets into mischief, which is, from what I hear, pretty often. It's very funny because he always looks like he's ready to go for a walk!
Oreo also carries a baby blanket almost everywhere he goes. And he chases his tail. But who's perfect?

Anyway, the first time I saw Oreo spinning around trying to catch his tail I got very dizzy. Then I thought, geesh, maybe if I chase my tail, I can pull on it and maybe it would grow back. But I couldn't even see my tail, let alone chase it. But the leash. I could get into chasing that! So I spent half the evening chasing Oreo's leash.


Well, I never expected Oreo's leash to be so much fun. Look what I did:

Maybe next time, I'll spin him around so fast he'll finally catch his tail!


After all the chasing was over, Oreo and I settled down. That's his baby blanket which he just would NOT share with me. But that's ok. I'm three now and I understand these things. Hmm. Anyway, everyone was laughing at us and calling us "Mutt and Chef," which I don't understand at all. All I know is that I love my new little buddy and I will do everything I can to help him finally catch his tail.


The WriggleButts said...

Hahaha.. did you take Oreo for a walk? BOL! He looks like a cute little guy, though.


Dexter said...

I couldn't get the movie to work, but I can just imagine the fun you must have had spinning the little guy around on his leash. great entertainments.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Chef!
Oreo is very cute!
Sounds like he has his issues but sure is nice to play wit him!
At least... that is what I saw in the video!
Kisses and hugs

Raising Addie said...


Mutt and Chef!!

You guys are adorable! LOVE love love that you took Oreo for a "walk" Chef! Keep up the good work.

Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey

Homer said...

Chef! You are sooooo funny! Hey, how about taking Oreo for walkies, you seem to be doing well getting his leash.

Ha ha ha...Looking forward to more mischief from you and Oreo.


Unknown said...

Gosh - I was just thinking that Oreo sounds like he has a lot of issues and was a bit scary...and then I saw that video! POOR OREO!! That was naughty of you, Chef! No wonder he doesn't want to share anything with you! :-)

Hey - guess what? I've just had my 1st swimming lesson!! Come over to my blog and check out my video when you've got a moment, Chef!

Honey the Great Dane

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Maybe woo need a sled fur him?

Furry khute Handsome!

PeeEssWoo: Good lukhk with getting your tail bakhk!

Sasha Canadian said...

Chef, sounds like Oreo had a real work out with you. Do you charge Spa fees?

Loved the a/v clip...too funny. What does Rugrat thing of all this? Bet she finds you doggies silly.

from the =^..^s Norman & Felix and our "bachelor apt. tenant" Baby Rascal and from Ebony who comes to eat twice a day. He often sleeps under the balcony.

Rugrat, do you know your birthday is July 18th and that you are now 14? Your Momma, Sasha was the sweetest and most beautiful calico.

Sasha Canadian said...

We aren't bark is not a word we speak.

But we send lots of Meows to you and to Rugrat who is 'related' to our Mummy.

The ^..^=s

Dewey Dewster said...

Hi ya Chef...I see ya got little Oreo ta bend ta yer will....great ya coulda dragged him all over the room if ya wanted to....I can see he resisted a bit but what's a little guy ta do when yer so much bigger 'n stronger too....if ya try hard enough that little blankie of his can be yers too.....

Dewey Dewster here....

Pedro said...


Glad you have a new friend who's almost family! I'm sure he enjoy walking with you!


Deefor said...

Maybe you can get a job as a dog walker. It's good you were understanding when he barked. A fun friend. Arrow usually chases my tail for me.


Dandy Duke said...

Oreo makes a fun pull toy for you, Chef! He sure is cute!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Ashley said...

So cute, must be nice to be the one in control of the leash.

Trailboss said...

Now that, my dear Chef, made me laugh!

Sammie said...

Ha. I love that Oreo put the chew toy under the couch! That’s so clever!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Chef you are so sweet to put up with the little guy. we love the way you try and take him for a walk.. Louie is always doing that to Callie.. Oh Callie actually catches her tail and keeps spinning... Silly pup

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

the many Bs said...

hi Chef, your little friend, Oreo, is very cute, but he has some funny quirks. we never did know a dog who had a baby blanket before, and we never knew a dog who had to drag a leash 24-7. that's a pretty funny video of you dragging him on his leash. just make sure he doesn't get that leash tangled up in something and hurt himself.


Kasha said...

Hi Chef! Aren't friends the best! Oreo is such a cute name! Lookin good Chef!
Kasha and Africa

Eric said...

Oooh haaa Chef!!! That video had me rolling up.Too funny. Your Oreo looks a great new stuffie...pardon me... I meant er...friend.

Wiry wags n kisses Eric xxxx

Moco said...

You are such a big goof. What fun to watch you play with Oreo. We can tell that this is going to be a great friendship with many wonderful adventures.

Thor and Jack said...

Hi Chef!
Did you take your new friend to the park???


i said...

Oreo is a cutie! Were you trying to take him out for a walk, Chef? Hehehe...

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Hello Oreo!
I'm glad you've found each other, watching you two playing is super fun..
By the way I'm back to blogging!
Oops, you have not noticed that I have been missing in action lately, have you?
I'm so excited to visit all of my friends again.
Love y'all!

Sasha Canadian said...

meeow Chef..

congrats on 1st place ribbon. you're a champ Chef!

purrs to your kitteh, Ragrat.