I locked Mama out of the car !! Ha ha.

October 26 /09

Well friends, I finally did it - I locked Mama out of the car!

Ha ha .....

I can't stop laughing. You should have seen her face!

Ha ha ha ...

Anyway, I've been wanting to do that for I don't know how long. I had a few false starts over the months but somehow she always managed to outsmart me. But last week I finally did it.
Course, I can't take all the credit. Mama did toss her remote into the front seat while I was in the car. And as she was talking to her friend Susan, she absent-mindedly closed the door ....

WELL! "This is my chance," I thought. So I very cleverly stepped on the "lock" button and ~ CLICK ~ !!

Mama was shocked because she knows that the doors can't lock unless someone presses the button on the remote. She took one look at me through the window and grabbed her head. "Leave it to Chef," she said. "What a clowndog."

Then Susan ran to her car and got a hanger, but after struggling for half an hour, they couldn't open the door. And all the chatter! You'd think I was going to drive the car away, never to be seen again. Not that it didn't occur to me. It's just that I don't know how to turn the ignition on. So I figured I'd just sit there and laugh.

This isn't the first stunt I've pulled in the car. Some of you may remember when last year I stepped on the button that opens the window and I jumped out of the car and ran right to the dog park. And I locked Papa out of the truck a couple of times. But he had another key. So this is the first time I got to spend almost an hour all by myself in the car! Next time I'm going to figure out how to turn on the radio to a rock station so I can bop around in the seat. And maybe I'll learn how to turn on the ignition and go to MacDonald's drive-through for a burger and fries.

Anyway, so Mama ended up calling Papa to come with their extra key and that was it. But it was the most fun I've had in a long time. You've got to try it.

But shhh. Don't tell your Mamas who told you.

Bye for now. Have a good week.


Dexter said...

Too bad you didn't have the camera with you to take a picture of your mom all worried face against the window.

Hey! A dude has to grab whatever fun he can.


Ashley said...

That's pretty funny, I always worry about that happening.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Once of the times woo are looking fur some fun, head to Pawsylvania with it!


Jans Funny Farm said...

Chef, you didn't! Okay, you did. What a clown. Bet your mom guards that remote with her life after this.

Lacy said...

w00fs, heehee u so smart..all i ever get locked is the back car door and all they do is come in the front doors..

b safe,

Peanut said...

Oh hahahahahaha good job Chef. Good job.

troutbirder said...

I love it. Just love it. I'll remember this trick.
Baron (troutbirders puppy)

Eric said...

Ooo haaa Chef that really made me laugh. Too funny. Shame you didn't have the camera to show us Momma panicking on the other side of the window. Now before you do that again make sure Momma has a stash of goodies ready and waiting in the glove box for you. And the weekly Supermarket run shopping in the back seat so you can make yiourself a little snack befor you got to MacDonalds. And probably a Dunkin Dognuts.

Wiry wags n kisses Eric xx

Unknown said...

Oh Chef! Hee! Hee! I was giggling reading your story...we don't have those fancy remote things for our cars - they just use a key...probably just as well!! :-)

Niamh said...

You are so smart Chef! I would like to drive the dog- crate- on- wheels myself. People don't know how to have a good time the way we do.

Your friend,

Dewey Dewster said...

I tell ya Chef...I'm laughin' like crazy but Gram sure isn't....guess she's thinkin' about how she would handle that situation if it ever happens ta her......hahahahaha....I can just see ya drivin' up ta the drive-in window at Mickey D's after orderin' a Big Mac.....gee, sure hope ya invite me along fer the feast....I can smell it now.....yum yum....

Dewey Dewster here....

Dandy Duke said...

Mom worries that that will happen to her one day too, Chef! Good for you for getting the job done!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Maverick the Pirate said...

Harrrrr Chef
that is funny Harrrr. Way to go Harrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Deefor said...

You are really talented. I used to put the windows down in the back of the car but now they lock them. But I never jumped out! Just stuck my head out and barked.

Bella the Boxer said...

HAHAHAHAHA. That's funny, Chef. I was once so irritated that my parents were eating at a fancy restaurant while making me wait in the car that I knocked down the dog gate, ran to the front seat, and set off the alarm. The other diners were NOT amused; but I sure was!!

xoxo - Bella

Sasha Canadian said...

mmmmeeeroooowww, Chef. What a cool dog you are...
Our Mom told us all about the situation. We laughed our whiskers almost off.
None of us wee =^..^=s can figure out how you'd reach the gas pedal, steer the car and look out the window while bopping to the beat of rock~n~roll blasting outta the radio...
lots'a kitty kisses to Chef from the boy =^..^=s Norman, Felix & Baby Rascal +++ from the 2 stray outdoor =^..^=s our Katma feeds. And really big smooches to Rugrat who is indirectly related to us.

Ask your Mom to tell you 'bout Rugrat being connected to us.
