Happy Birthday to me ! / Papa update

July 25 /10

Guess what?
I'm 4 !!

Mama giving me a great big Boxer-size birthday kissie


♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ ░HAPPY░ ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪


♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ . TO░ ░ME.♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪


Yesterday, as a pre-birthday treat, Mama and Papa took me to Ben and Jerry's and I had a quarter bowl of vanilla ice cream!!!
Like everywhere else, it was bazillions of degrees outside, so the three of us sat in the air conditioned truck and slurped our ice cream together rather than sitting at a café table. It was very nice and relaxing ....a happy, cozy moment.
I have five birthday Yays:
Today Mama is going to play ball with me in the backyard just as soon as she's finished cleaning the house ....YAY.

She had some old trees pulled up so I'll have more running room ...YAY.

Now I won't get my tie-out tangled up around my legs ....YAY.

And I won't fall on my face anymore whenever I run for the ball ....YAY.

And tonight I just know I'm going to get the marrow bone that I saw Daniel sneak into the fridge .....YAY !!!

n n n n

Papa update: Papa is in his third week of Interferon injections and he's feeling really icky. He's a lot better than he was on the infusions but this Interferon stuff is pretty unforgiving, no matter how you take it. Poor Papa. He can't work but he goes into the office now and then to say hi to his staff. And sometimes he walks me and goes out to buy groceries which he loves to do. He's lost a lot of weight because food tastes terrible. Mama is always trying to make him eat fruits and vegetables and grains, but he doesn't enjoy eating at all.
I do my best to make Papa happy because I sense there's something wrong with him. Mama sees it in my face. My life has changed a lot too. I used to go to Papa's office all the time and play with the secretaries and run around the dock chasing brooms and shovels. And we did lots of road trips and shows. Well, I just know that the three of us will be doing all that again one day soon, but until then, I will snuggle close to Papa and give him lots of lovies and healing slobberoos. I know paw-power works and there isn't a minute that I'm not giving him all the power my paws have.
Well, I'm going to wait by the back door until it's time to go outside and play ball.
Bye for now. xo


The Black and Tans. said...

Happy Birthday Chef. Hope you are having a pawsome day.

Molly, Taffy and Monty

The Black and Tans. said...

Happy Birthday Chef. Hope you are having a pawsome day.

Molly, Taffy and Monty

Dandy Duke said...

Happy birthday, Chef! We love eating ice cream in dad's Aire-conditioned truck too! Have fun playing ball with your mom on your special day!
We are sending more AireZen for your dad! We hope he feels less icky soon and his appetite returns.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lacy said...

w00fs, happy barkday there handsome Cheffy...sounds like u has a fun day planned..me sorry ur daddy is suffering like that..but hope the shots do the job we all want them to do..Heal your papa...

b safe,

Homer said...

Happy Birthday Chef! I was wondering where have you been during this time?

I hope your Papa's appetite gets better. I am sending him a lot of positive vibes!


Dexter said...

Happy Birthday Chef! Poor Papa. It sounds very hard on all of you. But you are doing a good job adjusting to the new routine and taking care of him. I have my paws crossed that this treatment will make him better.


Anonymous said...

Happy, happy birthday, handsome Chef! It sounds like you're having a pawsome day!

Thank you for the update on your Papa. We keep thinking about him and sending our Most Powerful brindle wishes his way.

Wiggles & Wags,

Asta said...

I'm so vewy happy you awe having such a gweat, happy Biwfday..I know how good ice cweam wif Mommi and Daddi is , so you had a gweat stawt and then playing in the newly biggew yawd wif a mawwow bone to look fowawd to..WOW sounds pawfect to me. The only thing that will make it mowe pawfect next yeaw is that youw Dad will be all well and not huwting anymowe. I know you awe helping him feel as good as he possibly can. I'm sending my healing smoochies too
love and kisses

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Happy Birthday Chef!

Mom and me are sending pawsitive thoughts and prayers to your dad. I bet he appreciates all the extra luvins that you are giving hims!

Woofs and Licks,
Maaggie Mae

D.K. Wall said...

Happy Birthday Chef. May your greatest wish be granted - that your papa gets better.

Niamh said...

Happy Birthday Chef!!! We are so glad that you had ice cream to celebrate your big day. Paws crossed for your papa. We know that you are taking good care of him.

Your friends,
Niamh & Ambrose

Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy Birthday, Chef! We're glad you and your dad are looking forward to going to the office again. We look forward to when your dad is doing well enough to eat and do things he likes to do.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy Birthday Handsome!

Here's to that wish khoming true fur woo and your mama!

I know woo are taking great khare of both of them!


Lorenza said...

Happy Birthday, Chef!
I have my paws crossed for your Dad!
I hope he feels better soon!
Kisses and hugs

Becky said...

Happy Birthday, Chef! Sending healing prayers your Papa's way. Hope you had a wonderful day!

Asta said...


Youw Mommi was sooo sweet to me..We loved hew and can't wait to see the west of youw family in pawson some day.

Give hew one of youw soft lipped boxew kisses fow me
smoochie kisses fow you

Eric said...

Happy Birthday Chef.I hope you've had a wicked wonderful day full of playing ball, running round your yard, more ice cream, a little walk with Papa and that scrumptious marrow bone.

Next birthday Ipray your Papa will be all better and that horrid teatments has done it's job. Must be very hard for you all Chef. I'm sending that powerful tenacious terrier zen over on the wind for him.

Sheese almost forgot to bark how exciting it was to meet your flat self but yeah I'm with you pal, we need to take flat leggeds to a party of our own!! Smashing your mom was able to go and had such a great time. me and Mom loved looking at all the photo's of everybloggie having a fantastic time.

Wiry love and kisses Eric xxx

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Yeah, you're 4!
Drum rolls!!!!!
We wish you another wonderfur year filled with love, treat, prizes and toys!
Thanks for updating about your papa, please continue snuggle close to Papa and give him lots of lovies and healing slobberoos from us too.
Chef, can we use the same snail mail addie( I believe it is your papa's office)that we used before to send your mama something?

Hero said...

Happy Birthday, Chef! I hope you had tons of fun on your special day. Tagpi, my mom, and I are praying for your dad.

Raising Addie said...

Yappy Barkday Chef!!

Yappy Barkday to you,
Yappy Barkday to you,
Yappy Barkday dear Chef...
Yappy Barkday to YOU!!!

WOW you got soooo much ice cream!

Give your papa an extra snuggle from us. We pray for him to get better every night.

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Happy belated berfday, Chef!! We hope that you had a pawsome day! It's so nice of you to take such good care of your Papa. We know that he loves your for it!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Unknown said...

Belated Happy Birthday, Chef! It sounds like you had lots of nice things planned for your special day.

I'm sorry to hear that your Papa is feeling so sickie from his medicines - my human, Paul's, father also has cancer and is also having medicines that make him feel yucky so we really understand. But I'm sure you do a great job cheering him up - I agree - I believe in the power of the paw too!

Honey the Great Dane

Life With Dogs said...

Chef I am sorry I missed your big day - it's been one of those weeks. Tell your Papa when he bounces back I'll buy him a big old dinner - there will be a day again soon when he really wants it!

Southbaygirl said...

I'm blaming my mom for missing your 4th barkday!!!! Happy belated barkday Chef!! I sure hope you had a pawesome day!!

I know you are making your papa feel better!!! He knows that you are there!! Mom and I are sending out the power of the paw to your papa!!!



Marianne Pysh said...

Happy Birthday, Chef! We's a littles bit late, so I hopes it was a good one!

Thanks for visiten my hooman & I. You're very hansome and I hopes you come back to visit again!

Lucy Lou

Princess Patches said...

Happy Birthday, Chef! Sorry we're so late! Our mom prayes for your dad everyday...morning and night! We hope it's working! We know that nothing tastes good to him, but it's still impawtant to get lots of vitamins and stuffs!

Penny & Patches

Dewey Dewster said...

Geez Chef....

Happy Belated birthday ta ya....we're always late ta the party....cause of Gram.....I tell ya one day she's gonna wake up 'n smell roses 'n wonder where she's been all this time.....She'll get the shock of 'er life...

So sorry ta hear yer DAD is havin' problems with the Interferon....that stuff is nasty....but we sure hope that even though it makes 'em sick....it will also make 'em better too..... here's hopin' our crossed paws help 'em get better than new.....

Dewey Dewster here.....

Juno said...

Happy very belated birthday, Chef!! Thank you for your update about your Papa. We don't get to visit you as often as we'd love to but he is always in our thoughts. We're all DWB family. .... speaking of DWB, we really wish we would be at the DWB union in NYC. Our mom wasn't aware of that. (Ah... she's not a good chief editor!!)

Momo & Pinot

Asta said...


I love that pictoowe of you and youw bootiful Mommi..I pway that youw Daddi beats this howwid disease and that his tweatments don't have to go on too much longew..I'm so sowwy he has to suffew so much
I'm sending my healing smoochie kisses

Peanut said...

Mom says she said something to your mom on that dreaded FB place about your birthday. Sorry she wouldn't let us get here until now. Hope you had a good one. We are always thinking of you and your Dad and mom.

Moco said...

Happ Late Birthday Chef. Our best to Papa. Take care of all.

i said...

Happy belated birthday, Chef! Keeping all of you in our thoughts and prayers. Take good care of your papa now.

Rambo said...

Hi Chefster,
It's been a while. Remember me?? Your chiwawa friend Rambo?
Sorry I haven't been around, and sorry to hear about your Papa, and sorry I missed your barkday!
Are we still buds??

Anonymous said...

Top website, I hadn't come across boxerdogblog.blogspot.com before in my searches!
Carry on the great work!

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee Chef....

Hope yer Dad is doin' OK....no new updates on his condition.....we're hopin' he's feelin' better and gainin' back some weight. All 3 of us have our paws crossed and are sendin' terrier vibes your way....

Dewey Dewster here....

Anonymous said...

Wow neat! This is a really great site! I am wondering if anyone else has come across something
like this in the past? Keep up the great work!

Shane Kent Louis said...

Happy Belated Birthday to your dad! hope he really enjoyed his day! ^_^
Dog Fence