I'm a Hockey Dog 1

April 10 /08
It's the PLAYOFFS !

Everybody's watching Game 1 of the Playoffs tonight... even me .

Allons-y Habs !

Here is a secret none of you know about me:


That's right. I am definitely a product of my environment and around here everything is hockey, hockey, hockey.

That's because my family are hard-core hockey people. They go to hockey games, they play hockey, watch hockey, talk hockey, and eat and sleep hockey. Sometimes they go on "Fantasy Hockey" weekends where they go on the road with the pros and practice on the ice with them between games. There are hockey sticks everywhere in my house. In fact, Daniel's hockey sticks are among my favourite toys and the biggest sticks in my collection.
Everyone here has a Habs sweater. And when babies are born in my family, that's one of their first outfits! Even the girls. I have one too only it's torn to shreds because, naturally, I tried to eat it.
Anyway, my late Grandpa Sam was a friend of the Habs and my Uncle Alan just organized an overseas hockey team. And if you think this hockeyness couldn't get any crazier, my cousin, Pierre, was the Scout and Assistant Coach for the Pittsburgh Penguins , Head Coach for the Hartford Whalers, and the Habs' front man. Now he's on ABC and TSN (The Sports Network in Canada). Pierre's the hockiest member of the family. He's our hockeymonster. We love Pierre.

My cousin Pierre

So is it any wonder I'm a hockeydog?

I couldn't escape all this hockeyness even if I wanted to, which I don't. By the way, there's a rumour going around that my nose is black and flat because I got hit with a puck when I was a puppy, and the puck is still wedged there. But I think my nose was like that before I got hit. Besides, all the Boxers I've seen have puck noses so they couldn't all have been hit in the face, right?
Anyway, I love chasing pucks and jumping for hockey sticks. It's a whole other world of fun.

n n n n n

April 8 /08

Guess what? I got mail today! For the first time in my life, a letter came in the mail addressed to moi ! I was so excited I almost peed on the postman.

My first mail !
Inside was a big surprise. Mama ordered some Boxer bandanas from Butchy and Snicker's mom and they're awesome. I wasn't sure what they were at first so, naturally, I tried to eat them. I must test the digestibility of everything that comes into this house ! But then Mama tied one around my neck and now she's making me pose for pictures. B-O-R-I-N-G. I want to go to the park and show off my new scarf to the girlypups because I look like Cooldude McDog on a Saturday night club run. But no, we have to do stupid pictures first. It took me 10 minutes to settle down. Then Mama spent another l0 minutes adjusting her camera.

And now I have to sit this way and that way, and geez, are we ever gonna get to the park?

I don't mean to be rude, but when the heck will this be over, Mama?

Yes, Mama, I'm holding still. ( This is my

64th favourite ball ... ho hum ...

.... and my 45th favourite bone.) YAAAWN.

This is taking way too long. I'm a very bored dog.

Do I have to drag you there by your Crocs, Mama?

Ok, that's it. These dumb pictures are cutting into my park time. I refuse to pose any longer.

(Who likes my polka-dot tummy?)

Ahh, finally. Mama's putting her camera down and she's getting out my leash. . . Ciao for now.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Chef!
You look very handsome with your new bandana! Butchy and Snicker's mom makes very nice things!
I love your polka-dot tummy!
Kisses and hugs

Peanut said...

nice bandanna and nice belly

CoCo said...

Nice Bandana. I usually have to get my picture taken when I sport one of those too. We got one from Petco and when I wore it my Mama swears I'm a Petco SpokesPuggle. Then I got one from Dingo with my Xmas pressies and then I was suppose to be the Dingo SpokesPuggle. I'm not much on accessories or clothes, so needless to say...I hate scarves and bandanas.


Moco said...

You are looking way cool! I hope you finally were able to get out and show off.

BenTheRotti said...

Hi Chef,

Thank you for visiting my blog. Your new bandana is just awesome!! You look very handsome in it.
Mum says she wants to tickle your Polka Dot Tummy hehehe

Nice to meet you, I will stop by often :)

Love, Licks n Tail-wags

Ben xxxx

Dandy Duke said...

Cool bandana and it looks awesome on you, Chef!
We have a green ball just like your blue one and we don't like ours! Please tell us why you like yours so much so we'll start playing with ours!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

boxercab said...

That's the cutest bandana! You are such a handsome boy!

Nevis said...

Chef! Nice to meet you! Don't get so excited that you pee on me. I know I'm awesome, but contain yourself! :P Btw, you're the most adorable Boxer ever!

Mack said...

I like your tummy! I have polka dots too. Right down the middle as a matter of fact. Mom says they look like buttons.

You look so handsome in your new scarf. All the ladies will want you.

Studio Evans said...

Chef, cool scarf!

I am sending you a Book Meme:
Here are the rules:
1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people and post a comment to Mickey once you have posted it.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

That is a super cool bandana.. You look so handsome in it..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Dexter said...

Nice spots, my man! Did you ever get to go out and show off your stylin duds? You look fantastic!


Maeby said...

Thanks for checking in Chef! I'm doing good! The meds dont seems to be doing anything but making me pee a lot. I still wake up in the middle of the night pretty often. Now I don't just gag, I actually thow things up. Mom isnt sure what to do... she thinks she is just going to deal with it for now, because it could be anything - especially since I eat whatever I can get during the day. She says we'll just wait and see....

Thor and Jack said...

You look handsome with your new bandana, Chef!


Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...


You look striking in that new scarf. I never really realized how handsome you are...that scarf really brings out your shape and well, your awesome boxer side! Woohoo for looking good!

M. T-Bone Beasley

Sophie Brador said...

Chef! Where have you been hiding? I live in Montreal too! I can't believe I haven't met you before.


P.S. Go Habs!

Pippa said...

I must say I have prevented mistress from dressing me up so far. But you look kind of cool.


Neko said...

Love the Polka dots and the bandana. Love,Neko

thimbles bobbins paper and ink said...

You look awesome, Chef! When is your first show. You know, we don't live too far away. Maybe sometime we can watch you in the ring.

And if we did, Gabe promises not to make funny faces at you while you strike a pose. We don't want you to laugh so hard at him you'd pee in the showring! Yikes! :O

Woofs and slobbers from your Newfie pals,
'Bella and Gabe