Beasley has declared May 8th Stuffy Appreciation Day, so get out your stuffies and show them off on your blogs this Thursday.
Beasley has declared May 8th Stuffy Appreciation Day, so get out your stuffies and show them off on your blogs this Thursday.
That's Beasley 4Cute, eh?
is holding a Scarey Eye contestt. Don't forget to get your vote in.
That's Deetz He's so cute too.
Are Beasley and Deetz twins?
n n n
It's a small world afterall.
It's a small world afterall.
It's a small, small ...
... oh hi, doggies. I just skipped over to Facebook tonight and there was a Dogbook message waiting for me from my neighbour, Denver.
Papa was out walking me a few weeks ago and we met up with Denver and his Daddy who live on the next street. He told Papa that Denver was on Facebook too and that he'd seen me there. That's a real coincidence because we live so close by, you'd think we'd have met snout-to-snout first. Anyway, when Denver got home, he sent me a Facebook message. I only got it tonight because I've been kind of lazy about Facebook lately. But now I'm going to make a playdate with Denver so we can chase eachother around the park and be hooligans.
Anyway, by "Sheltie fix," Denver meant that he knows Mama likes Shelties and Collies. In fact, when she and Papa were planning on getting a dog, Mama wanted a Sheltie. Imagine. I was almost a Sheltie. But Papa convinced her to get the dog he's always loved, so I'm a Boxer.
This is Denver's Facebook post:
wrote April 8, 2008 2:19 PM GMT
Hey Chef. It was so funny bumping into you yesterday. As soon as your Dad told my Dad your name, my Dad recognized you from Facebook. A real cyber canine friend in the flesh. You are as handsome as me. Tell your Mom if she needs a Sheltie fix she can come see me anytime. Funny that we live so close to eachother and just met for the first time.
Tail wags and wet kisses to you.
And slobberlicks back @ ya, Denver!
n n n
Now onto other good stuffs....
Guess what Mama bought me at the pet store yesterday?
,. As a special treat for doing so well and behaving myself at the show, she made a huge order at the dogpastry section and got me an assortment of yogurt dog cookies that had me slobbering all over the place.
Mr. Droolypuss watching Mama unwrap my cookies ...
... I want that eclaire so bad. Oooooh please hurry.
Mama hid them from Beauty and Rugrat but if they sniff them out, there's going to be big trouble. Those girls have a habit of tip-toeing around the house in the middle of the night and I'm sure they're up to no good. And they can jump very high and collapse themselves and slither into the tiniest cracks. I don't think my cookies are safe.
Beauty is the instigator. I'll have to keep my eye on that sneaky girl and make sure she and Rugrat don't eat my cookies.
Oh, and by the way, did anyone notice my Voki toward the top of the sidebar on this page? Isn't that the coolest thing? Whose voice do you think that is?
I drool like that too when waiting for Mom do dish out the cookies!
Oh, & I'd never trust any cat.
Hi Chef
Its time to vote now for the contest.....
Yummy, yummy cookies. Your mom was super for getting those for you. Keep an eye on that cat. I saw its scary eye photo. It could be from another world that does shape shifting.
Chef, you're becoming such a big star , that's pawsome!
Maybe the Flyers have a cat with scary eyes and that's why the HABS have been off their game!
Nice drool. That's cool you met a friend. Send me some of those cookies will ya.
Wow, that's so cool to meet your friend in real life AND on facebook!
Those cookies look yummy! I'm beginning to drool on the keyboard again...
It's Friday already, I hope you have a grrrrEAT weekend!
oooohhhhh, ze french cookies are ze best! You look so cute waiting for them.
xoxo - Bella
Hi Chef!
Your new friend looks nice. Why don´t you invite him to participate DWB?
Those cookies are cute! It was delicious?? Keep your eyes on Beauty and Rugrat.
I liked your Voki!
Have a great weekend!
Hi, Chef!
Sure it was nice to meet Denver!
Yummy cookies! I love your drooling pictures!
Kisses and hugs
Oh Chef...those cookies look amazingly yummy! Were they as tasty as they looked? I hope so! I can taste them through the computer screen.
Hi Chef!
I slobber too - but maybe not as much as you, I'm so jealous!
OMDoggie we're drooling you lucky dawg! mommy has never bought us anything like that! hmph we're gonna go bark at her see ya
Love Licks & waggin TX tails out
pee ess: oh isn't it fun to meet muzzle to muzzle with bloggie friends! woohoo
Great suds, man. Hope you got all the yummers you required.
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