Happy Birthday, Gucci! / Our First Kiss. YOW!

October 1 /08

Today is Gucci's birthday.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, darlin' !!

xox Y xox

I took an especially long bath last night so I'll smell really nice. And I got my nails clipped and my furs shined up because I'm going to Gucci's birthday party.

Here I am on the Greyhound Bus headed for the U.S.A. ... I'm actually blogging from my laptop right here on the bus ... it's going to be a long ride, so Mama packed some cookies, kibble and water in my knapsack ... hmmm, let's see ... six cookies and one, two, three .......................................156 kibbles, and five water bottles .... I also have my favourite Kong ... if I get bored I can just stretch out across two seats and chew a little .... the view is very nice ... the leaves are turning ... hmm ... this is my first time away from home by myself and I'm very lonely ... yawn ... I feel a nap coming on ... by the time I wake up, I'll be right near Gucci's house in DC .... I can't wait to plant a great big, slobbery smoocheroo right there on her pretty jowls ... ahh, Gucci baby, I'm on my way ....

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... Hi again. We are all having the best time at Gucci's party ... and guess what Gucci and I had?

Our first kiss!


A Gucci poochie smoochie !

The party is still rockin' on, so I'll (hic) be back with more (hic) pictures later ....

( ... no Mama, no one is naked and there is no beer here, just good (hic), healthy organic kibbles and lemonade ... we are all on our best behavior (hic) ... you would not believe it ... nope, you would not. )

(Papa, we need to talk.)

Autobiography Week: A change of plans...

Sept. 30 /08


Another quickie post to let you know about a change in plans for Autobiography Week.

We have just discovered that we cannot give posting privileges at the Autobiography Week site to all of you. So if you want to participate, this is what you have to do:

  1. Visit the Autobiography Week site for details and leave a comment there letting us know you want to participate.
  2. Email your stories (500 words or less) and pics if you have any (two per entry max.) to either of us by October 15th, at: chef.boxer@yahoo.ca or crabbyabby5827@yahoo.com, and we'll paste your entry to the Autobiography Week site.

We sort of promise there won't be any more changes! .... We're looking forward to receiving your posts and can't wait to put the site together for all of us to share!

Announcing Autobiography Week!

September 27 /08


October 20 /08

Hi pups/kitties/hammies/whatevers.

Just a quickie post to let you in on a some good news.

Our good friend Abby and I are organizing an event called "Autobiography Week," and we're really excited about it and hope you'll all participate.

It's scheduled for the week beginning Monday, Oct. 20th, when you are all invited to blog about your early days as a puppy/kitty/hammy/whatever.

Tell us about any experience from way-back-when that is especially memorable to you and your parents. Or about your ordinary past that was filled with love and fun. Maybe you'll want to tell us why your parents wanted a pet and why you were their pick of the litter, or how you got your name. Anything you remember from your good old littledays will be fine. Maybe you'll want to just share your baby pictures. That's good too.

It doesn't matter how old you were when you joined your family. Each and every one one of you is most welcome to participate.

. The idea for Autobiography Week came to me after reading a fabulous post by Abby last month about how her mom came to choose her as the family pet. It was so interesting and it made me feel like I had gotten to know Abby so much better. So I thought it would be fun if we all posted something about our early puppy/kitty/hammie/whateverhood as a way of drawing us all a little closer as friends.

We've opened a blog page at:
www.ourlittlestmemories.blogspot.com so everyone's post can be seen at the same site.

** Visit the site first for more details. Please leave a comment there letting us know you want to participate.
Then email your story and pictures (two pics max. per entry), before Oct. 15th to either of us at:
We will paste your entry to the Autobiography Week site for you.
Please help spread the word by announcing Autobiography Week on your blogs. Don't forget to post a link to the site too or the button on the top of my sidebar.

Thank you, sweet Abby, for helping me put this project together, and for being the inspiration behind it. That post was the work of a genius!
I'll be back to regular posting and I'll catch up on all your blogs when the big rush at Mama's work is over next week. Bye for now, friends.


Attention all dog and cat friends .... they ate what?? / Awards

September 22 /08

A friend sent us this article about a Boxer from Michigan named Loni who had an appetite for more than just dogfood. There's a lesson to be learned here, especially for us bigger breeds, whose mouths are large enough to eat just about anything we see.

Loni is a one year old Boxer, and if she was a cat, she would have only eight lives left.

It's been a tough year for Loni. She was picked up as a stray by the Michigan Humane Society in November.

But things started to turn around when Beth Moody rescued the young dog.

"(They) gave her to us (and she) started gaining weight. (We) thought she was going to be fine," Beth said. "We got her spayed and we thought she was going to be fine and then she started throwing up leather."

So Moody took Loni to Westwood Veterinary Hospital in Mt. Morris Township. Dr. Christian Miller x-rayed Loni's stomach.

It's hard to imagine, but the doctor says the dog swallowed a rope bone and two leashes.

"When I looked at the stomach I could see it looked like a purse in there," Dr.Miller said.

And here's what was in Loni's stomach: leather leashes, parts of a collar, a purse handle, hair ties and a plastic something or other.

Moody thinks Loni may have been carrying the contents of her stomach for at least a month. And they are lucky they realized Loni was sick when they did.

"It stayed in the stomach," Dr.Miller said. "It did not head through the intestinal track. Had it done that, (there would have been a) major problem."

This is an x-ray of another Boxer who ate 208 1-3 inch rocks!

This post isn't going to win me any popularity contests among you. But let's admit it, boys and girls - we'll eat just about anything. I know I would. And it's especially dangerous if your mouth is as big as a garage like mine. You may get mad at me for this but I really do want all my friends to be safe and healthy. So here goes:

When I was a pup, I twice ate my Papa's socks which I found on the floor. Both times, I was lucky enough to poop them out. I'm also into unravelling and eating toilet paper and eating pillows, and heaven knows how much of that stuff could have gotten clogged up in my gut if I hadn't been lucky enough to be caught in the act.

Key word: lucky. Because over the last couple of years, we've heard several horror stories about dogs who ate clothing, dish towels, underwear, a jar of Vaseline, medication, and other stuff you'd never dream of, that ended in tragedy.

So I thought I'd post a refresher course about the dangerous things we dogs should avoid. We're already aware of most of them and I've left out the obvious ones. But there are some that may not have occurred to you. Others are worthy of a reminder.

This dog ate 14 golf balls. Can you imagine?

As far as toys are concerned, just because they are marketed for dogs, it doesn't mean they're safe. Here is a list of things that we can swallow that can harm us: ( ... just saying. )

Tennis Balls: You wouldn't think it, but larger breeds can swallow them whole with dire consequences. Also, a German study suggests the glue used in tennis balls is very damaging to a dog’s tooth enamel. Not to mention we dogs can chew through a tennis ball pretty easily and the small pieces can be swallowed too. Other studies say the dye used to make them colourful can also harm us. Tennis balls are simply not made for dogs. (Sorry but it's true.)

Cat toys: Balls, sticks with feathers, catnip pouches , bells, etc. are far less resilient than dog toys and pieces can break off easily. They also tend to be small and easily swallowed.

Squeaky and plush toys: Many dogs have ingested the squeaker from these toys and it can require surgery to remove them. Stuffing or the toys themselves can get wadded up and cause intestinal blockage. Supervision by our parents and vigilance is required. Avoiding them is better. (It's rotten tomatoe time, I know.)

Rawhide chewies, bully sticks and Greenies: Large pieces have been known to break off and be swallowed, causing obstruction in our esophagus or digestive track. Again, vigilant supervision or avoidance. (I feel the splat of an egg coming any time now.)

Tug toys with strings or rope: The string can lodge in our intestines. Rope can cause our intestinal track to fold up on itself and rupture.

This dog swallowed a duck toy, whole.

This one has a diamond ring lodged inside him.

And this one ate a Wii control!

Vets and experts generally agree that Kongs and Nylabones are the safest toys for us dogs, as long as they're big and can't fit in our mouths.

This cat ate a sewing needle.

We may not like it much, but it really is best that we're crated or gated in a safe room, rather than have run of the house when no one's home. There's no telling what we'll eat, even if our parents have removed everything in sight . You'd be surprised how many humans think it's cruel to crate their dog. I used to hate being crated but now I don't mind. At least I'm safe. And when the family is home, the door to every room is shut so I can't find bad things to eat. And someone is always checking on me to see where I am and what I'm doing.

Because face it, we can sniff things out from under beds, behind furniture, on shelves, under rugs ... anywhere. And we can spot pins, coins, elastics, paper clips, and chewing gum ... anything. We can also help ourselves to a leftover cup of coffee, or a glass of beer, or food left on the table or counter or in the sink. We've been known to eat cutlery! The list is endless. We're just not to be trusted, no matter how obedient we are, and even if we've never eaten anything dangerous before. You just never know.

This dog swallowed a knife.

And this one ate a fork.

I just know they are good dogs like you and me. But they did a mischief, like all of us do. It wasn't their fault. Someone just wasn't careful ...

Besides the ones we all know about, this is a list of some of the foods that can harm us.

Alcohol: Even in relatively small amounts, it can cause intoxication, coma, and death.We should never be allowed to take sips of alchoholic drinks.

Acorns: These contain tannic acid, which, when eaten in certain quantities, can be toxic to a dog's kidneys.

Raw or cooked bones: These can be extremely dangerous if they're swallowed and they splinter. And round bones can get caught in our lower jaws. Even if our parents are supervising, they can't really see if pieces of bone are breaking off in our mouths. If they do allow it, they should throw away the last three inches so we don't d try to swallow it whole.

Chocolate, coffee, tea, colas: Caffeine contains theobromine, or theophylline, and can affect our heart and nervous system, which can be fatal.

Fatty or greasy foods : These can cause pancreatitis. Pancreatitus can become chronic, or even toxic which can become fatal.

Human vitamins: Supplements containing iron can damage our digestive system and be toxic to our liver and kidneys.

Liver: In certain quantities this can cause a Vitamin A toxicity, which affects our muscles and bones.

Macadamia nuts: These contain an unknown toxin, resulting in damage to our digestive and nervous systems.

Peanuts and peanut butter: (Believe it or not.) These can trigger allergies in a dog, just as in a human. We should first be fed a small test quantity to determine if we have a peanut allergy.

Milk and other dairy products: Adult dogs do not have sufficient amounts of the enzyme lactase, which breaks down the lactose in milk. This can result in severe diarrhea and intestinal distress.

Mushrooms: These can contain toxins, which may be hazardous to multiple systems in our bodies, cause shock, and result in death.

Small seeds: Seeds, such as those from persimmons or pomagranates can cause intestinal obstruction and enteritis. Pits from peaches and plums can cause obstruction of our digestive tract.

Apple seeds: In unknown quantities, these contain a compound that, when metabolized, becomes cyanide and could result in death.

Potato, rhubarb, and tomato leaves: These contain oxalates, which can affect our digestive, nervous, and urinary systems.

Raw eggs: These contain an enzyme called avidin, which decreases our absorption of biotin (a B vitamin). This can lead to skin and coat problems. Raw eggs can also contain salmonella, leading to digestive upsets and diarrhea.

This article was published in

Recently, a leading manufacturer of veterinary X-ray products held a contest to find the oddest swallowed objects. Some of the winners included a Labrador with 14 golf balls in his stomach, a Boxer with 208 rocks of various sizes, and a Pit Bull puppy who swallowed an 11- inch steak knife.

One 7-month old Pug puppy demonstrated expensive taste by swallowing his owner’s 2-carat diamond ring.
The winner of the dog category went to a Samoyed who had eight batteries of differing sizes, from a “D” cell all the way down to AAA, a plastic raccoon, seven rocks, a marble, two broken light bulbs, machine parts, and a variety of staples.

What perplexes many owners, and many veterinarians, is why the dogs are eating these objects in the first place. Some items can be obvious, for example, pieces of glass from a broken spaghetti sauce jar could easily end up in the abdomen of a dog hurrying to finish off the tasty treat. With others, such as the sticks and rocks, it is less obvious as to why they were eaten.

It is even more puzzling to figure out how many dogs are able to swallow dangerous items without damaging themselves and why they continue the habit.

In one Indiana veterinary emergency hospital’s submission, a single dachshund had emergency exploratory surgery four times during his 12 years of life!

Cats are extremely fond of string-like objects and will often present after a day or two of vomiting with a “linear foreign body” on x-rays. Cats need to be watched with rubber bands, bread ties, tinsel, or any object that can be batted around and swallowed.

Amazingly, every one of these pets left their veterinarian’s hospital wagging their tails and anxious to head home. However, even with successful outcomes, none of these cases should be considered happy endings. All of these pets underwent painful surgeries and their owners suffered anguish and worry as their dogs were treated. In most cases, each surgical retrieval cost more than $1,000.

Those are the pooches who survived ...

So there you have it. Scary stuff, huh? Something to chew on, for sure.

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On a happier note, many thanks to my big buddy George who sent me this award yesterday. I love your blog too, George. It's so creative and fun to read.

The rules of the award are:
1. The winner can put the logo on her blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of those you have nominated.

I'm sending the award off to:

The 4 Bs, Abby, Ben, Peanut, Moco, Sophie Brador, and Sherman

Another "I Love Your Blog" award has arrived from Happy. Thank you so much, Happy. And I love reading your blog. It is so interesting and inspirational .

Here comes another one, this one from Little Mango. Thank you, Mango. This is quite an honour. Your blog absolutely lifts my spirits too.

I want to pass this one on to: Dewey Dewster and The Texas Sun Dogs

Whoa! Here's another one. this time from Rambo. Thanks, Ram. I so love your blog too. It always makes me smile.

And another one from Gus, Louie and Callie. Thank you my Blue Heeler buddies. Yours is a blog I love to read.

And yet one more from sweet little Abby.Thanks Abby. It is quite an honour to receive this award and you deserved it too.

Com o Prêmio Dardos, se reconhecem os valores que cada blogueiro mostra cada dia em seu empenho por transmitir valores culturais, éticos, literários, pessoais etc. que, em suma, demonstram sua criatividade através do pensamento vivo que permanece intacto entre suas letras e suas palavras.“Este selo implica duas regras:a primeira, linkar o blog do qual recebeu o prêmio. A segunda – escolher blogs para entregar o prêmio.

Rough translation: The Premium Dardos Award recognizes the values that each blogger shows in his/her commitment to transmit cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values that demonstrate creative thinking through words.

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Mama is heading into a very busy time at work and won't be able to help me post to my blog for awhile. So take care, everybody.


Gifts from Guccigirl!

September 20 /08

Oh, Gucci, I .... um ... er ...

...... My sweetie, Gucci, sent me the most awesome present this week - a big pirate chicken chewy! Shiver me timbers, Gucci. I just love it. Arrrrr.

I was ecstatic for days because she'd been tracking it all week on her blog to make sure it came straight to my house. As of Tuesday, it was in Syracuse, New York . It was fun looking at the FedEx map and watching my present find its way to Montreal.

Um, Gucci, I ....

.... Well, the present actually arrived on Wednesday, but no one was home when the FedEx man came to the door. But Mama made sure her friend Miriam would be here on Thursday while she was at work, and the FedEx man finally delivered it. But then I had to wait all day til Mama came home so she could help me open it. It was an eternity waiting to hear her key in the door.

The box was sitting unopened on the kitchen table and I could just smell the Gucciness all over it. I was moping around the house and circling the table all day long. I tell you, I was so crazy with anticipation, I couldn't think straight ... it's not every day that you get a present from your girlfriend ... and then you can't even open it!

Gucci baby, I um ...

Well, Mama finally came home and I was jumping around frantically til she finally settled down and opened the box. Before I even had a chance to peek inside, snoopy Beauty came nosing around to see what all the fuss was about.

No way, Beauty. That's MY present. Gucci is MY girlfriend, not yours.

Anyway, inside the box were two pictures of my beautiful Gucci. This one's my favourite because she wrote a note on it .. .. Gucci isn't only beautiful, she's smart too. She can write! It says:

To Chef. Someday we'll build a pawesome stick pile together!

Oh, Guccipoochie, I ...

...that would be my dream-come-true too.

Also in the box was one of Gucci's very own pink tennis balls, which now has a place of honour in my toy box.

Well I grabbed hold of that funny chicken and chewed the daylights out of him for hours. It is my favourite toy from my ultimate favourite girl.

Want to see a happy dog? Looky here:

Mama always giggles and gets a kick out of watching a big studly dog like me acting silly with a squeaky toy. Do you think it's funny?

BTW, Guccigirl, my very pink gift is on its way to you... oh and um ... I ...

....OK, I'm stepping off Cloud 9 for a minute to thank my buddies Toffee and Riley, who also sent me a present this week: a green Fun Ball and a can of liver bits. I love Fun Balls and I love liver. What a great gift.

Why does Mama have to take pictures of my gifts and make me pose before I can even play with them? She can be so annoying.

Finally, she filled the ball with liver and off I went to the back yard to roll my new ball around and get those morsels into my mouth. They were incredibly delicious. Thanks so much, Toffee and Riley.

And a big merci beaucoup to my pal Rusty who sent me this award today.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

... oh, and Guccigirl ... I uh ... um ... Y U. (( Sighhhhhh ))


This just in: Gucci posted this on her blog tonight:

Oh how I ♥ Mr. Chef.

Geez. It's looking more and more like I better get myself a job!

Wordless Wednesday

What was I thinking?

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Please vote in the poll at the top of my sidebar.

More on "Autobiography Day"


Politics puts me to sleep

September 13 /08

Politics. Shmolitics. I don't know about you but personally, all the political talk I'm hearing around here is getting very boring. There's a federal election campaign heating up here in Canada, and there's the American presidential election going on too.

Between the two of them, that's almost all I hear on our TV and at the dinner table and on the phone and in the living room and in the back yard. Obama this and McCain that. And Stephen Harper this and Stephane Dion that and Jack Layton too. And now there's a Sarah Palin lady who has a pig that wears lipstick or something. What is the fascination?

Frankly, it just puts me to sleep.

This is how asleep it puts me:

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Check Mark ..Please check out the poll on the top of my sidebar and let me know what you think.
More about "Autobiography Day" later.

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The 2008 Dogs With Blogs Holiday Card Exchange is ready to roll, and my buddy, Beasley, is in charge this year. Head over to his blog for details.
( Already?? )

Paw Update

September 7 /08

Well, I went to the vet last week to have my paw checked out and the good news is that there's no glass in my cut and no infection, and it's healing well.
The bad news is I have to have an antiseptic wash twice a day and two huge antibiotic pills shoved down my throat, once in the morning and once at night, for two weeks, just in case.
Mama has to actually put her hand all the way to the back of my mouth and flip the pills in. Then she clamps my mouth shut, and tilts my head so far back that it's practically upside down, and then she rubs my throat forcing me to swallow those rocks. Otherwise I'll spit them out. It doesn't help to wrap them in food or pillpockets because I separate them and spit the pills out anyway. Oh, the things we dogs have to endure, eh?

Anyway, I think I'd rather have pills shoved down my throat all day long than spend one more minute at the vet than I have to.

When I got there, there wasn't even anyone at the reception desk to give me a cookie. Usually, Beverly,the receptionist, greets me and says, "Hi Chef. Would you like a cookie?" And she gives me two or three yummies from the yellow bowl. But she was nowhere to be seen. What the heck was that about? The vet pays her to sit there and give out cookies. So, where was she?

I called and called but she didn't come. I could reach the yellow bowl so I could have just helped myself but Mama was at the other end of my leash and I just knew she wouldn't like that. It seemed like all my barking wasn't going to get me a cookie ...


... until a French lady stepped up to the desk. I barked at her, asking if she would give me a cookie. Mama told her she could and she gave me two. I love that lady. I licked her hand and got slobber all over her purse, but she didn't seem to mind.


"Merci infiniment, ma jolie dame ... croque, croque."

OK, I got what I came for. So I started looking for a way to get the heck out of that place before the vet came looking for me. It wasn't going to happen. She called my name before I could even put a plan in place.


It wasn't long before I was in the vet's torture chamber. I always jump on her table and she always laughs. I'm the only dog she knows that does that and it's made me famous. She said she tells everyone about the Boxer that hops on her table and they all think it's pretty hilarious. Actually, I'm in no hurry to be on her table, but it reminds me of the grooming table, which I love being on, so I get a little confused.

But it becomes all too clear very quickly. Within seconds, I'm a quivering mess. Sometimes it takes two technicians and Mama to hold me still.

Then the vet started poking around my paw. It's very hard to balance on three legs when you're shaking and rattling around.

She said it was a very deep cut but that it was already healing very well. Yeah, ok. So the exam's over, right?

Well, I no sooner got over that indignity and she stuck that glass thing up my butt. She didn't even ask me if it's ok. She just zipped it right in there, no questions asked. Then she looked at me like I was some sort of sillypuppy. She thought if she talks doggietalk to me and makes funny faces I was going to forget it's there. I don't think soooo.

When it was over, I hit the ground running but not before I checked to make sure she didn't accidentally leave it there. No way was I going home til I knew for sure.

Yup. It was gone. Whew.

Then it was time to get weighed. The vet left me on the scale for a couple of minutes and I was sure it was to make up for what she put me through.

But instead, she came back with a bottle of pills, some anticeptic, and the bill. Bah!

Well, I was finally on my way home. Before we left, though, Beverly was at her desk and she reached into the cookie bowl and gave me two for the road. You can see by my slobber that I enjoyed it very much!

I was sure glad that was over. I like my vet but I don't want to see her again for a very long time.

Awards / Dreaming of a wild goose chase / I cut my paw


Thank you to all the dogs who voted for me in the Pawlympics. I am very honoured.

Congratulations to CHEF, the winner of the Pawlympics Dogs' Choice Award in the Stick category.

And thanks to my friends over at Jan's for this award. I love your blog too.

The Rules:
1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least seven other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs that you've nominated.

I'm passing the award on to:
Mango (Little Mango)
Mango (Substantial Mango)



Avast, me hearties. Check out Toffee 's blog for details about "Blog Like a Pirate Weekend," Sept. 28. Aye, maties. Be sprreadin' the worrrrd. Yarrr.

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September 2/ 08

Mama, Papa and I took another road trip over Labour Day weekend, this time to Ingleside, Ontario. We joined some of our Boxer friends and did a two-day show at Farran Park, along a bay that leads to the St-Lawrence River.

When we arrived, I spotted these geese and I wanted to chase them so bad I almost jumped out of the car ... I imagined feathers flying and lots of barking and squawking and honking going on. Oh, one of these days I'm going on a wild goose chase ... that is definitely on my to-do list.

This was the view when we entered the park. The sun was warm and there was a cool breeze blowing off the water. Ahh, if the weather could only be like that all year long.

Further in was the show. I started to get really pumped. I just love doing shows. There are so many dogs to bark at and there's so much excitement going on. And the smell! You can't believe how delicious it smells at a dog show!

We stayed at a really nice motel that had the best bed. It was soft and fluffy with a duvet and pillows that you just sink into. So, of course, I claimed it as my own. There was no way I was giving it up to my parents. So when they weren't looking, I jumped on the bed and I just sat and sat til I fell asleep sitting.

But when I was in a deep sleep, Mama and Papa pushed me to the end of the bed and got in. I didn't even notice them until morning. I was all scrunched up like a pretzel with no room to sprawl. I was a little mad but I got over it because then they fed me breakfast. Do you ever fall asleep sitting? I do it all the time. I've even fallen asleep standing up!

Anyway, between shows, we walked to the shore and I got to run along the beach and play in the water (no pictures -- silly parents left the camera in the truck.) This is where they think this happened:

See the gash at the lower left of my paw? Mama and Papa think I must have stepped on some broken glass or a sharp rock in the water. Or it might have been a zebra mussel. We'll never know but it hurts very much now. It probably happened on Saturday but I didn't start favouring it until Sunday because I probably made it worse by walking on it. Anyway, more about that later.

So back to the show. In this video you'll see why my handler Emily doesn't want Mama and Papa anywhere near me when I'm in the ring. Mama stood off to the side , but I smelled her Musk Oil which was blowing downwind right up my nostrils. So I knew she was there. Look how ADD I got. I was straining to see Mama and jumping in excitement, and I totally forgot I was in the ring. Mr. Dumbjudge asked Emily how old I was -- probably because he thought I was acting like an immature sillyBoxer. It came down to me and another Boxer and he chose the other Boxer. I am not impressed with Mr. Dumbjudge ... I bet if he knew his Mommy was there, he'd jump around like a kangaroo too.

Later on, I got a bird's-eye view of the geese from the top of Papa's truck. "Oh, I'd give away my sticks to chase those little buggers around the park," I thought.

Then, on the way home we stopped along the highway at one of our favourite greasy spoons: Loretta's Chip Wagon. It doesn't look like much but my parents think they have the best fresh perch and buffalo sandwiches and home-made pies in the world. Personally, I was still looking to have a goose sandwich ...

I was very tempted to pull right out of the parking lot and drive Papa's truck back to the park when he and Mama were in Loretta's. But I thought it over, and I didn't think I'd make it too far without being noticed and reported to the police and tossed in jail where I'd rot til Papa got enough bail money and ... Besides, my feet didn't touch the pedals. Plus I don't have my driver's license yet.

When they were finished eating, Mama and Papa eyed me suspiciously and sent me straight to the back seat, and my dreams of chasing wild geese came to an end. "Goodbye geese. I'll see you in my wildest dreams," I thought. And we headed home.

So back to my slashed paw ... All the vets were closed because of Labour Day, so when we got home, Mama soaked my paw in Epsom salts and put Polysporin in my cut. It was so deep, she had to actually press the cream into my paw. I didn't like her touching it because it hurt a lot and I started licking the Polysporin off. So what did she do? She put a sock on my foot! (Notice it's a Boxer sock.) Well, I didn't love that either and I pulled it off. So she taped it on.

So I pulled the tape and the sock off.

I'll be going to the vet to make sure there's no glass still in my foot and that there's no infection. I hope she doesn't tape up my foot or give me stitches or a needle. If she does, you will all hear me howling no matter where you live because I may be the only dog the vet has ever seen hop on her table, but once I'm on it, I'm her biggest crybaby patient. And I really don't want to wear an E-collar ...they take at least an hour to get off. Mama thinks I'll get antibiotics to prevent an infection. Great. Another two weeks of Mama shoving her fist down my throat. I just went through that for a rash. Oh, I am very cranky. Grrrr.

So I had a great weekend but right now I am not a happy dog ...

Send hugs.