Showtime again!

October 27 /08

First of all, I want to thank my sweet friends Abby and Happy for giving me the Butterfly award. Thank you so much, my friends. Your blogs are so cool too!

These are the instructions:

- put the award on your blog
- put a link to the blogfriend who gave it to you
- choose 10 other blogfriends to give award to
- put links of nominees and
post comments to your nominees

I'm passing this award on to:

Clover, my girlfriend Gucci, Maggie and Mitch, Beasley, Addie, The 4Bs, Asta, Dogs Deserve Freedom, Ben, and Sunny, Scooter and Jamie

Now about my exciting weekend: Mama, Papa and I took another weekend roadtrip - this time to do four shows in our provincial capital, Québec City, for Le Mouvement Canin Québécois and I won these:

A Fourth in Group and two Best in Breed ribbons!

Everyone was pretty excited... ok, ok, a little peace and quiet, people! It's time for my nap.

Well, half the fun is getting there. right? At a rest stop on the highway, I got to play with a few dogs who were also on their way to the show.

Hmm. Let's see who's pulling into the parking lot.

Well, he looks kind of interesting.

Hello! Do you want to play with me, white fluffy dog?

Do you, little black fluffy dog?

This is when I placed fourth in (Working) Group on Saturday.
Can you find me? (Hint: I'm wearing my whitest socks.)

I'm really workin' it here. It's no wonder I won. Emily had the best liver bits .... medium rare and real stinky.

I got some new plushies at the show and I played with them at the motel. Shows are fun, but I have to admit, hanging out at the motel with all my toys is even better.

The event was more than a dog show. There were all kinds of exotic animal exhibits. Here are some of the amazing creatures we saw there.

Lizards. (Thanks for pointing that out to me, Peanut...)




And rabbits.

A TV news camera filmed me while some kids were petting me. I felt like a movie star!

Then it was time to head home ... Hey, where are all my fans?

No one wants my autograph??


Well, my biggest fans are right here in the car with me!


Peanut said...

Mom says she thinks that frog is some sort of lizard but not sure what kind. Congrats on the awards. Good job. I'm glad you got some new toys also. What could be better?

Lacy said...

w00f's Chef, wow, me iz very nos sumdog thats famous...congrats on ur wins at the show..sounds like u had a wonderful weekend..

b safe,

Gucci said...

Thanks for the award my award winning boxerboyfriend hehehe. You are soo handsome all the time...I don't know how you can stand still for that long at those shows. Maybe I could if my handler person had some pizza in her pocket. ;D

Are you following the Habs this season? My Mommy's gonna desert me to see them play her Caps sometime. She doesn't let me see the schedule.

Kissies 'n warm snuggles from your boxergirlfriend!!


I want your pawtograph...and the some. ;]

Moco said...

Good job, all around. We know you deserve all those awards and ribbons. You would be our choice if we were the judge. At least you were not goofy like the time Mama was showing you. Treats always help.

Raising Addie said...

Congratulations Chef!!! You are the BEST!!

What was it like to be around an alligator? He looked kinda big... but at least his mouth was taped shut.

Your new toys look like a lot of fun! Do you get your own bed at the motel?


P.S. Thank you so very much for the special award! That was so sweet of you to share it with me.

Lorenza said...

Congratulations Chef!
Kisses and hugs

Duke said...

Congratulations on your super duper wins, Chef! You're one handsome boy!
That little black fluffy dog doesn't look too sure of you at all! hehehehe
Thank you for awarding us! We are very honored!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

the many Bs said...

hi Chef, congrats on your award and thanks for bestowing it on us.

we are proud of you for doing so well in your dog shows. you're a super star!


DogsDeserveFreedom said...

Thanks for the award chef. It's an honour. Congrats on those ribbons! You look great in the ring.

Did the white or black fluffy dogs end up playing with you or were they too busy?

Niamh said...

Wow! Two BB and a Group IV!!! You were really on your game Chef. I am sure that the judges were knocked out by how handsome you are. Your people must be so proud. Hope you stayed safe around all those scary critters.

Your friend,

The Puppies said...

Congrats on all your awards Chef!! Looks like you had an awesome time!!! But if it were me, i would have barked at that lizard, and that crocodile!!!
Opal (and the rest of the Puppies)

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Hey Chef! Way to go, dude! 2 BB and Gp 4!! Aaannndd better yet, new stuffies!!
Thanks for giving us the pretty butterfly award!!
Sunny & Scooter

Hero said...

Congrats on all your awards, Chef! You are one handsome dog and deserve to be treated like a star. It must have been interesting to see so many different kinds of dogs all in one place.

Dewey Dewster said...

Wow Chef...

Congrats in yer award and a special congrat for all the ribbons ya won.....I could see ya in the ring and ya looked wonder ya won best of breed....I bet yer fans just didn't ask fer yer pawtograph cause they didn't want ta disturb yer rest......yer a celebrity fer sure....

Dewey Dewster here.....

Clover said...

Hi Chef!
Congratulations!! You are pawesome! I am proud to call you my friend. :)
Thanks so much for the award too! I love it!
Love Clover xo

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Chef you are a movie star!! Congrad's on all your awards. We are so proud of you. Keep up the good work...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Pedro said...


You are an awesome, award-winning dawg! Congratultions!


Abby said...

Hi, Chef...

You've got lots of fans here, too!!!

Congrats on all your ribbons...

Abby xxxooo

Raising Addie said...

Chef, it’s almost Halloween!

Thank you very much for submitting your wonderful photo!

I will be drawing 3 winners LIVE on my Addie Cam located on my blog on Saturday, November 1st at 9:30 a.m. Central Standard Time. I hope you can make it, but if you can’t I will be recording the drawing and posting it on my blog along with the winners names.

Have fun Trick-or-Treating!

Cocoa the Beagle said...

Congrats on the award and ribbons! You sure deserve them!

Cocoa and Barley

Thor and Jack said...

Congrats on your award and all your ribbons! You deserve them!

Love and licks

Technodoll said...

It is so refreshing to see a REAL boxer, how they were meant to be... proud, well-marked, beautiful ears (a rare thing these days), proper balance, topline, coat, gorgeous head... ah, I am in LOVE!

Anonymous said...

beautiful boxer! we have one too, Betsy lol, she's so cute. don't you just love 'em. great blog!

Maverick the Pirate said...

Congrats on the groop 4 that is so cool Harrrr. I love it when the cameras come through the grooming areas and the showing part Harrrr. Yer Cap'n has been on local news so have other dogs that yer Cap'n live with Harrrr. Congrats again Harrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Holly said...

Great job at the show, Chef!