Showtime/ My 1st Blogaversary ...

April 25 /08

Well, it's the night before the show and I'm as ready as I'm gonna be, doggies.
I think I'll be able to concentrate, as long as no one starts talking hockey in the ring!! That's all everyone's talking about anyway. We're smack in the middle of playoffs and the whole city is coo coo with hockey fever. The Habs are now in the Eastern Conference semi-finals and the cheering that goes on in this house during the games could blow the roof off! It's been a little hard for me to keep my mind on the show with all this hockeyness going on. If anybody starts talking about the playoffs at the show, I might do all kinds of sillies in the ring and really embarrass myself.

Mama said it doesn't matter if I don't win any ribbons this weekend, anyway. At this point, we're only showing because it's fun. So no matter how I do, I'll come home a happy Boxer.

Just about everyone in Montreal has a Habs flag flying from their car. Mama has a Habs windmill which freaks me out. Sometimes I just want to eat that funny thing.

So showtime is near and I can feel the excitement already. Mama's been packing up my tack bag, and apples with cheese to eat during the ride. Papa's doing the paper work and studying his road map. And I had to have a stinky bath this afternoon and the groomer took the buzzer to my nails and I was not happy about it. But then he gave me a cookie and I licked his face and now we're friends again.

So I can't wait to hop on the pickup at 8 am tomorrow and hit the road. It's lights out now and dreams of hockey sticks and ribbons ...

My Habs pillow, naturally

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April 24 /08

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April 23 /08

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FOR I'M A ...

Oh hi doggies.

With all the activity around here, I almost forgot to post about a very important event in my life: my first Blogaversary. It's just over a year ago (April 7 /07) that I got my very own blog. So I had to interrupt this afternoon's intense show training session to tap out this post because I'm already almost two weeks late!

When Mama first put me online, she started a page with the intention of including pictures of me and stuff about my life and her silly cartoons. Sort of like a personal cyberdiary. But then she found Dogs With Blogs and this space slowly evolved into a real blog. I started connecting with dogs from all over Canda, the U.S.A. and across the world. We never dreamed we'd "meet" so many of you and come to adore each and every one of you so much. You are all so sweet and special. It's so amazing that you are all out there, and that we know you almost as if you live next door.

It's huge fun reading about you and keeping up-to-date with the things you do every day, and seeing how even uneventful days are turned into something so entertaining. We love knowing what cherished pets you all are and how that is so evident through the humour and creativity of your blogs We are a wonderful little world unto ourselves, aren't we?

So on this really special occasion, I want to thank you all for being in my life and for having me in yours. You are wonderful friends and oh, how I love you all.

Love, Chef

..................Cake for everybody!

Back @ ya soon ...

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April 15 /08

Hi Doggies. I'm going to be taking a week or two off from blogging because Mama has a really busy time coming up at work.

In the meantime, I'll be getting ready for my first show of the season. I'll be in the Club Canin Rive-Sud de Montreal All-Breed Championships on April 26th and 27th in Iberville, Quebec, as if you know where that is! ... (Lola, Gabe and Bella - you know where it is. Maybe you'll come and see me!)

Anyway, when Mama's work at the shop is done, she's going to get me all buffed up and rested and ready for the show. She's already started brushing me with her electric pet grooming gizmo thingy that, naturally, I keep trying to eat !

I know she's a little worried that I may have lost my show manners, seeing as I haven't been in the ring since last September. We've begun some heal and stay stuff to get me into an obedient frame of mind because I've been a regular vildebist lately what with spring here and everything. I'm making no promises, but I'm going to try really hard to behave myself and not jump on the judge or drool on his shoes. I don't think he'll like that very much. And it's going to take intense concentration to stack properly and not grab that liver yummy the handler's going to be dangling in front of my nose. You can't imagine the discipline that takes, doggies ! But when I finally eat it, it's worth the wait, I tell ya.

Oh yeah, I also have to remember not to sit down in the ring or bite the judge when he goes poking around in my mouth. Oh and I better not giggle when he's checking my you-know-whats no matter how much it tickles. And oh yeah, I'll try to remember not to be an immature pest and bother the other Boxers. I'll wear my serious face and try be a gentleman.

Geez, that's a lot to remember ....

Anyway, so I'm very excited about going to Iberville because it's the beginning of the show season. It's an indoor show and it's just a warm-up for the bigger outdoor events I'm going to do later on in the summer. Those are the best because they're weekend road trips with my family and I get to stay at motels that allow dogs and we all play like fools on the lawn. I hope I see my dogdaddy, Zeus, even though he always barks at me and tells me not to act like a clown. Maybe I'll see my dogsister, Rose, and my dogcousins, Reilly and Promise so we can go chasing eachother. And I'll get to ride in Papa's pick-up with my head out the window. Yow-eeee, it's going to be an adventure!!


Moco said...

Good Luck. We hope you win a prize. We will be waiting for you to return.

Anonymous said...

Best of luck at the show!! will miss you while you're away from your blog :)


Anonymous said...

Good luck! Have fun now!

Dandy Duke said...

Paws are crossed that you bring home lots of ribbons, Chef!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Simba and Jazzi said...

Good luck with the show.

Simba x

Sophie Brador said...

Hey Chef, I know where that is too! I sure hope you kick some doggie butt in the ring. You look like a champ to me.


H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Good luck at the show! ha wooo!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Chef!
I am sure you will do great at the show! Good luck!
Kisses and hugs

Bella the Boxer said...

Good Luck, Chef! Can't wait to hear how you did.

xoxo - Bella

Thor and Jack said...

Good luck at the show, Chef!


Lola Smiles said...

We'll be rooting for ya Chef! Go get em'! Maybe we'll come and see you to see what it's all about! :)

Lola Smiles said...

We'll be rooting for ya Chef! Go get em'! Maybe we'll come and see you to see what it's all about! :)

Mack said...

You'll prolly win first place. Have fun!!

BenTheRotti said...

Good luck Chef.. we will miss you.
Hurry back to blogland!!

love, licks and tail-wags,

Ben xxx

FleasGang said...

You're a shoe-in, Chef! But good luck anyway and we can't wait to hear all about it :-)

The Fleas

thimbles bobbins paper and ink said...

Hi Chef!

'Bella and Gabe are cheering for you. We want a full report about your show. Our mom has classes that entire weekend and can't get away to your show, but we will be with you in spirit and are excited to hear all of your news.

Be sweet for the judges. We know you will!

Woofs and slobbers from your Newfie pals,
'Bella and Gabe

Peanut said...

see you in a couple of weeks. Good luck on the show.

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Chef! woohoo how exciting! We know you're gonna do great and we look so forward to seeing all the pics and hearing about all the wonderful things about your show.

Love Licks & waggin TX tails barking loud jus fur you!

Studio Evans said...

Dude, good luck and lots of woofs for the up coming show!


Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...


Are you back yet! How is the showing going???

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Happy Blogaversary!

Clover said...

Hi Chef,
Happy Blogaversary! What a nice post - it made us smile!
Love Clover xo
P.S. Goooooooooo Habs!

Peanut said...

Happy Blogivesary. We are glad you are our friend and we get to read about your adventures.

Moco said...

We are happy to have you to connect with also. We are sending good vibes for the show. Don't take Dawson's too serious as he has trouble finding his way out of the house.

Katherine and Pippa said...

Hey good one on your first Blogoversary. Misery forgot mine. As usual. Look forward to seeing you back soon as poss.


Clover said...

Yay the Habs won!! Hope you are safe - saw all the craziness on the news!
Love Clover xo

i said...

Happy Blogaversary!

Lizzy said...

Hello my new Canadian fellow furry firend! It's nice to meet you, Chef! Thanks for droppin' by my blog.

You're a handsome boxer! 3 more sleeps 'till your show, you and your humans must be very excited! Hope everything goes great at the show!

Oh, and happy blogaversary!

I hope you have a grrrrEAT day, Chef!


CoCo said...

Good Luck to Chef!


Lola Smiles said...

Happy Blogday! and good luck at your show this weekend! I can't wait to see pics!! Go get em'!

luv ya
Lola Smiles


Anonymous said...

Hey Chef, Happy Blogday! It sounds like you're working your doggy butt off for your big show. I just know you're going to make a huge splash. Are you prepared for the fame?

Can't wait til you're back.


Anonymous said...

Chef -

Good luck on your show! I hope you win and beat the tail outta everyone!

I still miss you.


Mr. T-Bone Beasley